Nebo.Live API

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Base url is You can either use the default version /api/cities or explicitly specify the desired version /api/v2/cities. You can optionally specify the locale /api/en/cities or /api/v2/en/cities.

Each application is given a pair of keys by the system administrator: token and code. Authorization credentials can be read-only or read-write. Write permissions are given separately for each individual sensor (Sensor) of the system.

Basic Request

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Example of request with token = 4eSSZMm53qWWBdG6oidg4CZV, code = C2SXU6xu9TV7pWA1CFJjrvnA and time = 1642338547 (13:09:07 GMT 01/16/2022, Jan 16th 2022). Full SHA-1 digest of concat(time, code) is 1adcf12f957980bf86d479d7babd92a2b6b7204f, hash = 12f957980bf

curl --header "X-Auth-Nebo: 4eSSZMm53qWWBdG6oidg4CZV"


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All responses from the server are in JSON format, unless otherwise specified.

GET /api/v2/cities

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List of all registered cities

    "id": "d330b106-3919-4797-b109-a782b40c9303",
    "name": "Beautiful",
    "country": "Narnia",
    "url": "narnia",
    "lat": 10.123456 # Double?
    "lng": 10.123456 # Double?

GET /api/v2/cities/slug

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List of all sensors from city with slug. Slug is an url from cities-request

  "id": "a6cd67a8-9b00-4be7-adb3-1173212da047",
  "name": "Kopylova",
  "source": "Nebo",
  "source_description": "Source description",
  "source_link": "http://mega-link.local", # String?
  "source_logo": "aofuasofu.svg", # String?
  "lat": 0, # Double?
  "lng": 0, # Double?
  "instant": {
      "pm25": 4, # Integer?
      "pm10": null, # Integer?
      "pm01": null, # Integer?
      "aqi": 17, # Integer
      "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
      "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
      "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
      "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
      "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
      "so2": null, # Double?
      "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:51:06.812Z",
      "ts": 1584096666, # Integer
      "humidity": 49, # Double?
      "temperature": 8, # Double?
      "co": 451 # Double?
    "id": "45ed1430-acef-43c5-a305-49b80b2b0bdc",
    "name": "Ady Lebedevoy",
    "source": "Nebo",
    "source_description": "Source description",
    "source_link": "http://mega-link.local", # String?
    "source_logo": "aofuasofu.svg", # String?
    "lat": 56.015892, # Double?
    "lng": 92.871704, # Double?
    "instant": {
        "pm25": 4, # Integer?
        "pm10": null, # Integer?
        "pm01": null, # Integer?
        "aqi": 17, # Integer
        "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
        "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
        "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
        "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
        "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
        "so2": null, # Double?
        "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:51:06.812Z",
        "ts": 1584096666, # Integer
        "humidity": 49, # Double?
        "temperature": 8, # Double?
        "co": 451 # Double?

GET /api/v2/cities/slug/weather

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Weather data for city with slug. Slug is an url from cities-request

    "pressure": 1018, # Integer
    "visibility": 10000, # Integer
    "wind_speed": 8, # Integer
    "wind_direction": 260, # Integer
    "clouds": 0, # Integer
    "icon": "01d" # String?

GET /api/v2/sensors/slug

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Current data for sensor slug. Slug is an id for element from list of sensors.

    "id": "45ed1430-acef-43c5-a305-49b80b2b0bdc",
    "name": "Ady Lebedevoy",
    "source": "Nebo",
    "source_description": "Source description",
    "source_link": "http://mega-link.local", # String?
    "source_logo": "aofuasofu.svg", # String?
    "lat": 56.015892, # Double?
    "lng": 92.871704, # Double?
    "instant": {
        "pm25": 4, # Integer?
        "pm10": null, # Integer?
        "pm01": null, # Integer?
        "aqi": 17, # Integer
        "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
        "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
        "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
        "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
        "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
        "so2": null, # Double?
        "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:51:06.812Z",
        "ts": 1584096666, # Integer
        "humidity": 49, # Double?
        "temperature": 8, # Double?
        "co": 451 # Double?

PUT /api/v2/sensors/slug

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Add new single data measurement for sensor slug. Slug is an id for element from list of sensors.

Input data is

  "value": {
    ... # Additional measurements
    "created_at": "2018-01-04T14:49:17.470Z"

On success returns saved value

  "id": "42fd9caf-7349-4563-b9e2-47635e667bf6",
  "pm25": 151,
  "created_at": "2018-01-04T14:49:17.470Z"

On failure returns status code 400 with blank response body.

GET /api/v2/sensors/slug/minute

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Raw measured data from sensor slug for the last 60 minutes. Slug is an id for element from list of sensors.

    "pm25": 4, # Integer?
    "pm10": null, # Integer?
    "pm01": null, # Integer?
    "aqi": 17, # Integer
    "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
    "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "so2": null, # Double?
    "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:51:07.812Z",
    "ts": 1584096667, # Integer
    "humidity": 49, # Double?
    "temperature": 8, # Double?
    "co": 451 # Double?
    "pm25": 4, # Integer?
    "pm10": null, # Integer?
    "pm01": null, # Integer?
    "aqi": 17, # Integer
    "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
    "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "so2": null, # Double?
    "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:54:07.812Z",
    "ts": 1584099667, # Integer
    "humidity": 49, # Double?
    "temperature": 8, # Double?
    "co": 451 # Double?

GET /api/v2/sensors/slug/daily

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Measured data from sensor slug for the last 365 days, averaged by day. Slug is an id for element from list of sensors.

    "pm25": 4, # Integer?
    "pm10": null, # Integer?
    "pm01": null, # Integer?
    "aqi": 17, # Integer
    "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
    "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "so2": null, # Double?
    "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:51:06.812Z",
    "ts": 1584096666, # Integer
    "humidity": 49, # Double?
    "temperature": 8, # Double?
    "co": 451 # Double?
    "pm25": 4, # Integer?
    "pm10": null, # Integer?
    "pm01": null, # Integer?
    "aqi": 17, # Integer
    "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
    "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "so2": null, # Double?
    "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:51:06.812Z",
    "ts": 1584096666, # Integer
    "humidity": 49, # Double?
    "temperature": 8, # Double?
    "co": 451 # Double?
    "pm25": 4, # Integer?
    "pm10": null, # Integer?
    "pm01": null, # Integer?
    "aqi": 17, # Integer
    "pm25_aqi": 17, # Integer?
    "pm10_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "pm01_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "co_aqi": null, # Integer?
    "so2_aqi": 0, # Integer?
    "so2": null, # Double?
    "created_at": "2020-03-13T10:51:06.812Z",
    "ts": 1584096666, # Integer
    "humidity": 49, # Double?
    "temperature": 8, # Double?
    "co": 451 # Double?

GET /api/v2/sensors/slug/weather

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Weather data for sensor slug. Slug is an id for element from list of sensors.

    "pressure": 1018, # Integer
    "visibility": 10000, # Integer
    "wind_speed": 8, # Integer
    "wind_direction": 260, # Integer
    "clouds": 0, # Integer
    "icon": "01d" # String?

POST /api/v2/sensors/activate

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Activate new sensor. Serial should be registered by administration before activation.

Input data:

  "serial": "dfsdfsdfwerwercsef120",
  "lat": 59.0012,
  "lon": 82.1289182,
  "pressure": 950, # hPa
  "temperature": -15 # Celcius

If the activation was successful, it will return the credentials for write-access to sensor. Reactivation (obtaining data for authentication) is not possible, only through communication with the administration.

  "id": "42fd9caf-7349-4563-b9e2-47635e667bf6",
  "token": "aAaAaAaAaAaA100500",
  "code":  "BbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbBbB"

On failure returns status code 400 with blank response body.

Manage clients and notifications

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All of following methods (managing users and alert settings) do not require mandatory request authorization with header and time, hash.

POST /api/v2/clients

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Create new client for notification system

Input data

  "client": {
    "telegram": 0, # must be one of this
    "firebase": 0  # must be one of this


  "id": "a6cd67a8-9b00-4be7-adb3-1173212da047",
  "telegram": 0,
  "firebase": 0,
  "created_at": "2018-01-04T08:21:00.000Z"

DELETE /api/v2/clients/slug

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Delete client of notification system with all nested notifications settings. Slug is an identity number from Firebase or Telegram.

Returns blank response with code 200 or 404.

GET /api/v2/clients/slug/noifications

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List of notification settings for client with slug. Slug - is an identity number from Firebase or Telegram.

    "limit":100, # Integer
    "limit":150, # Integer

POST /api/v2/clients/slug/notifications

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Create new subscription for notification for client with slug. Slug - is an identity number from Firebase or Telegram.

  "notification": {
    "notable_type":"Sensor", # or "notable_type":"City",
    "limit":150, # Integer


  "id": "a6cd67a8-9b00-4be7-adb3-1173212da047",
  "notable_type":"Sensor", # or "notable_type":"City",
  "limit":150, # Integer
  "created_at": "2018-01-04T08:21:00.000Z"

DELETE /api/v2/clients/*client_slug*/notifications/*notification_slug*

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Create new subscription for notification for client with slug. Client_slug - is an identity number from Firebase or Telegram. Notification_slug - is an id from create-request

Returns blank response with code 200 or 404.

Users data

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OAuth is used for this section. You should add header Authorization with value Bearer: token to all requests. All needed data you can find through .well-known url.

GET|POST /api/v2/favorites

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List of favorite sensors for current user. User fetched from bearer token.

  "data": [

      "name":"Title of sensor by user",
      "description":"Name of sensor from system",
      "position": 0, # will be sorted by it
      "image_index": 15 # 1-18
      "name":"Another title",
      "description":"Name of sensor from system",
      "position": 1,
      "image_index": 15

